Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Neco Gce 100% Correct Crs obj/theory









After the third time – when the Elder Eli had told Samuel to return to his place and sleep, and when he heard the voice again, to say, “Speak, for Your servant hears” – as a good disciple, Samuel went back to his place and fell asleep (1 Kg./l Sam. 3:9). Then it was that “The Lord came, and stood” and spoke to him, as He had before. Immediately he heard his name, Samuel replied, “Speak, for Your servant hears” (1 Kg./l Sam. 3:10). He senses that God is Lord and that he is the servant of His Lord.

The purpose of the revelation of God was that Samuel had to convey to Eli the fact that God was displeased both with the conduct of his sons and with the indifference that Eli himself was showing to his sons’ behaviour. God said that He was not going to endure this situation any longer, but would punish the whole of Eli’s family. There was no way in which the sin of his sons would be wiped out (1 Kg./l Sam. 3:11-14).

It is important for us to look at particular phrases from God’s words, as we can analyse some noteworthy points.

“Behold! I shall execute My words in Israel” (1 Kg./l Sam. 3:11). God promises that He will implement His words and make them a reality, even though it means being harsh. In fact, all Christ’s words are implemented. That is why we trust God and His promises. The Apostle Paul says repeatedly, “This is a faithful saying.” The word of God and God Himself are trustworthy in every respect. It follows that there is no era in which the words of God do not apply. Some people assert today that under present circumstances it is impossible to obey God’s word. This is not true, however, and it conceals serious disbelief in God’s providence and love.

“I will judge his house forever for the iniquity of his sons” (1 Kg./l Sam. 3:13). God had announced earlier to Eli that He would punish his family eternally for the sins of his sons.

It is striking here that God appears as an avenger, dealing out punishment. We should note that these are anthropomorphic phrases attributing human emotions to God. They show that the individual has proved unworthy of God’s gift and His love. God does not punish man, but because he does not assimilate God’s gift, he punishes himself. This is the sense in which we can speak about punishment from God. It should also be understood as the withdrawal of God’s grace, which results in man’s destruction. Man is not an autonomous being. He must always refer to his archetype, to God. When he is far away from God, man is destroyed.

God gives an undertaking that the whole family will be punished. We are given the opportunity to see the consequences of sin. Just as the sin of Adam fell upon the whole creation, so every sin has consequences for society. Sin is never individual and personal. It has universal dimensions. In this sense we can talk about the inherited nature of sin. It is not hereditary guilt, but an illness that afflicts the whole human race. When the root of a tree is diseased, the whole tree withers. In the same way, one man’s sin makes human nature as a whole sick. We too experience the results of Adam’s Fall.

i-The priesthood was taken to another family
ii-They lost the battle to their enemies
iii-He lost his two sons on the same day
Iv-The ark of covenant was taken away by their enemies

The Israelite engaged in bad moral decadence to the extent that they sold the needy for a pair of shoes. They trampled the head of the poor.
 The sin of the people of isreal  went to the extent that a father and a son went into sexual intercourse with the same girl

i-unfaithfulness in the payment of offering and tithe.
ii-The oppression of the poor by the rich
iii-Immorality, love for pleasure and luxury
iv-Injustice in the law court

Citizenship is defined as the native of a place who obeys all the rules and regulations of the land.

- a good citizenship should be subjected to the governing authorities
- a good citizenship should not rebel against the delegated authorities
- a good citizenship must be loyal, truthful and straightforward

- Christians are obliged to obey the authorities/laws
- authorities are obtained by God 
- obedience to civil authority brings about an orderly society
9a) Love and obedience are the only forces that can bring unity in a family. Therefore, Paul, in its epistle to the Colossians  called on wives to be subjected to their husbands as it is fitting and husbands to love their wives and not to be harsh with them. Children should honour and regards to their parents in everything. For this pleases God. Fathers should not provoke  their children,lest they become discouraged. He advised slaves to obey their earthly masters in everything not with eyes pleasers  but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord.

9b) - A good family must pray together. 
- Discipline must be maintained in the home 
- The father as the head of the family must be respected 
- Parents should pay attention to social and moral well being of their children.

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